Instagram social customer service LiveWorld

Instagram for Customer Service, Marketing and Business

November 17, 2017
Posted by: Matthew Hammer, VP- Marketing

Now you can leverage Instagram for Customer Service

Social media is nothing new for organizations wanting to engage with customers for sales, marketing and customer service, but until recently, Instagram was limited in its capacity. It’s inability to scale left it out of the mix.
With Instagram’s API update, organizations have a new channel they can leverage to reach their audience. And why not? Over half of the 600 million active Instagram users check their feeds daily. Sales and marketing can add Instagram to their existing social platform to attract and retain more consumers, yet the most benefit may lie with social customer service, at least if it’s fully optimized.
Customer service organizations are eagerly trying to figure out Instagram and its full potential. Their new API, however, means brands can improve the user experience for Instagram fans. The LiveWorld platform includes a workflow to enable customer service reps to rapidly resolve issues on the channels customers prefer, including Instagram.

Liveworld’s workflow to rapidly engage users on Instagram
Instagram customer service - LiveWorld

The key to exceptional customer service is twofold: fast resolution and relevant personal engagement. Social media empowers organizations to do both, at scale. Social media, with all its benefits, can have a dark side as well.
Consumers are free to publicly post negative comments that attract attention. Some of these disruptive comments give companies the opportunity to improve, but they can also be used maliciously to damage reputations rather than provide constructive feedback. In either case, organizations must be aware of any comments that need immediate attention.
The LiveWorld platform gives representatives more control and enables them to include it in the same platform with the other social media channels without adding risk. Combined with the automation capabilities of the LiveWorld software, processes can be setup to monitor user comments on your Instagram account, engage users, escalate problems to your customer service team, and even protect your brand by deleting or hiding those less acceptable user posts.
The new features can be applied to your organic content and your paid media on Instagram. Use a single tool to monitor comments on your posts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other social properties, and then engage those users, resolve issues and even moderate comments. All of this data can be integrated with existing enterprise data from the CRM system, giving organizations a more complete view of customer behavior and interactions.

Greater Coverage for Pharma – Adverse Event Monitoring on Instagram

Social media has traditionally been challenging for pharmaceutical companies to use due to inconspicuous adverse events consumers sometime post. Posts that contain adverse events (AEs) are typically difficult for pharma companies to find. Despite this, drug makers must still maintain FDA requirements that AEs be fully archived and reported. As a result, many medicine brands determine it’s not worth the risk to allow consumers to post comments on their social media pages.
There is a better way. Pharmaceutical companies can have the best of both worlds: enjoy the benefits of customer engagement on social media, while also maintaining FDA compliance.
In addition to offering customer service teams the capability to personally interact with Instagram users, LiveWorld offers pharmaceutical clients a solution to monitor Instagram posts in order to improve adverse event management for FDA reporting requirements. LiveWorld software eases the process of finding adverse event comments and “likes” to those comments, enabling pharmaceutical companies to quickly respond and remain FDA compliant.
LiveWorld is continually enhancing our product features and our newest Instagram capability makes it easy for brands to maximize both the power of Instagram and the LiveWorld platform. Using the LiveWorld solution, brands across industries can engage their Instagram users, rapidly resolve their issues with a personal touch, and enhance the brands reputation.
Learn more about customer service software for a messaging world, or request a software demo and we’ll show exactly how it works.