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Surprising Things About HCP Social Media Behavior | BioPharma eMarketing Summit Webinar

Social media shapes physicians’ views on new treatments, and changes prescribing, as healthcare professionals follow peers, engage in specialty groups, and alter prescriptions based on social media, favoring specific platforms and private networks.

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New Voices of Influence | Julie Rennecker

Julie has been working at the intersection of teams, technology adoption, and organizational change for more than 20 years. As a behavioral scientist, former startup team member and nurse, she blends theory, experience, and clinical expertise to bring clarity to the challenges of startup leadership.

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New Voices of Influence | Dr. Chester Donnally

Dr. Chester Donnally is a spine surgeon who is passionate about minimally invasive surgery and complex corrective procedures for adult spinal deformities. He has contributed to more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and a dozen book chapters, and numerous speaking engagements across the country.

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Influencer Dr. Swanson

Dr. Wendy Sue Swanson sat down with Umar Siddiqui, M.D., to discuss how her audience has evolved over her career. She is a pediatrician and Chief Medical Officer for SpoonfulONE. Dr. Swanson leads efforts to foster conversations with clinicians and parents around the importance of early and consistent inclusion of potential allergens in the diet.

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Dedicated HCP Social Media Practice

Healthcare professionals (HCPs) are increasingly using social media as a clinical tool and professional resource. In response to these shifts in HCP social habits, LiveWorld has created a dedicated HCP Social Media practice for pharma.

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Highlights from DTC Campaign Engagement Solutions Virtual Event

Catch the “best of” the DTC pharma virtual event, “Driving Interactions, Not Impressions”. Hear expert advice from the panel with BMS, Chiasma, Pfizer, and others discussing launch prep engagement tactics,  activating patients,  virtual assistants and more.

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How HCPs Use Social Media

Join LiveWorld VP Danny Flamberg, award-winning MD and digital health professional Dr. Umar Siddiqui, and former Ogilvy Health chief strategy officer Johanna Skilling for a lively discussion of how brands can reach and influence hard-to-find HCPs on social media.

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The Evolution of Online Health Communities: 1-on-1 Conversations, Data-driven Content, Chatbots, and Engaging Patients

Watch this video for inspiring examples of pharma communities that are empowering patients using messaging apps and chatbots for 1-on-1 dialogue, encouraging people to respond to comments, and showcasing content.

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Design to Measure

Clear measurements pave the way for the right activities, and cross channel measurement helps marketers spend more wisely on social programs that work. A better understanding of how to approach measurement allows marketers to see how considering metrics can aid in creating better social programs.

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4 Proven Healthcare Social Media Strategies

Everyone thinks of pharmaceutical companies as behind the times. But pharma companies actually are using social media in the most engaging ways and making consumers stand up and say, “Wow!” LiveWorld’s healthcare practice has some great examples of pharmaceutical brands using social media in pioneering ways to reach consumers.

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Customer Service Becomes 21st Century Marketing

How do you deliver great social customer service? In this video social media pioneer Peter Friedman explains how transformation must occur at companies’ customer experience and the customer service departments.

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How Do You Build Loyalty Among Your Customers?

This video from LiveWorld answers the questions, “What are the benefits of social media?” and “How do you actually build loyalty among customers on social media?”

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What is the Right Social Topic Mix For Engagement?

This video answers the question, “What is the right blend and mix of social topics on social media for engagement?” from LiveWorld CEO Peter Friedman

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Be Social Effectively, and Cost Effectively

LiveWorld CEO Peter Friedman shares strategies on how to be social effectively, and cost effectively in this brief video

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5 Models For Proving The ROI of Social Media

Watch this brief video on 5 models for proving the return on investment of social media from LiveWorld CEO Peter Friedman

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Brand Cultural Models for Effective Social Media

Watch and learn more about using brand cultural models to create effective social media from LiveWorld CEO Peter Friedman

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Enhance Customer Experience through Smart Social Dialogue

Learn how to enhance the customer experience through smart social dialogue and extending brand experiences with LiveWorld CEO Peter Friedman

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How Do You Measure Brand Lift?

LiveWorld CEO Peter Friedman answers the question, “What measurement metrics should we use to measure brand lift today?” a Social Media Today Short

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Why Does Your Brand Need Social Media?

LiveWorld CEO Peter Friedman answers the question, “Why is Social Media Engagement with Customers Important?” a Social Media Today short

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Internal Brand Culture, Social Media Marketing & The Golden Rule

LiveWorld CEO Peter Friedman answers the question, “Should you spend as much time on Internal Brand Culture as you do on Social Media Marketing?” a Social Media Today Short

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Marketing Mavericks

Peter Friedman was recently featured on TWiT’s Marketing Mavericks netcast. Peter spoke about his career at Apple and the founding of LiveWorld. He also shares social media and marketing advice from his storied career.

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Best Seller TV, The CMO’s Social Media Handbook

LiveWorld’s own CEO & Founder Peter Friedman was recently interviewed by Best Seller TV about his hit book, The CMO’s Social Media Handbook.

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Tips for Small Businesses on Social Media

SocialTimes caught up with Peter Friedman, CEO of LiveWorld. They asked Friedman to give us his advice for small businesses on social media.

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LiveWorld CEO Discusses How To Humanize Regulated Brands

Peter Friedman discussed with International Business Times its recent event with Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE), which highlighted strategies regulated businesses can use to connect personally with customers.

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Digital Pharma Marketing Trends Shaping 2023

Given the scores of challenges pharma marketers faced this year, this webinar covers some of the greatest digital and social marketing opportunities to reach, engage and influence patients and HCPs in the coming year.

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Hospital Social Media Marketing: Leaders & Laggards Beckers Webinar

Dissect what the top ten hospitals are doing on social media to drive high levels of engagement with special speakers Danny Flamberg and Johanna Skilling.

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Women’s Health Webinar

Watch the discussion on top trends in women’s health social media marketing and learn how influencers are driving the conversation and creating campaigns that activate dialogue and change behavior.  

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TikTok and Pharma Moderated Panel Discussion

Goodbye Dr. Google, Hello Dr. TikTok Watch now to see how Pharma Can Utilize the Fastest Growing Social Media Platform: TikTok.

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Becker’s Webinar

This video will lay out a new marketing agenda designed to leverage data, digital, social and influencer marketing strategies with examples of campaigns and initiatives from the healthcare arena and beyond.

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DHC Influencer

In this webinar you’ll be introduced to a sampling of these potent new HCP influencers. Subject matter experts will share a methodology for vetting and evaluating their relative influence, and reveal tactics for engaging them in branded and unbranded promotion.

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Driving Digital HCP Engagement

Listen and watch as LiveWorld strategests and medical director discuss how marketing engagement drives business results with a new framework. They discuss barriers to engagement and review specific examples of tools and tactics that drive HCP connection and participation.

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DTC Perspectives & LiveWorld: Getting Creative While Remaining Compliant

Developing standout marketing campaigns your MLR Team will approve often can be challenging if your colleagues aren’t familiar with the digital and social media platforms where your audiences are interacting online.

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Getting Creative While Remaining Compliant

Join Dawn Lacallade, Chief Social Strategist, and Jena Dengrove, VP and Creative Director, for a discussion on how they work with clients to develop breakthrough campaign creative while navigating internal regulatory approval processes.

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Time to Embrace Social Media Marketing – Eyeforpharma LiveWorld Webinar

Experts from Celgene, Roche and LiveWorld discuss how pharma is embracing social media as a central part of their strategy for condition awareness, brand perception and to accelerate time to diagnosis.

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Thriving in Times of Unexpected Change – Pharma Marketing in a Virtual World

LiveWorld executive leaders Peter Friedman, Chairman & CEO, and Danny Flamberg, VP Strategy – HCP, outline specific digital solutions to help pharma overcome marketing challenges.

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Reaching & Persuading Elusive HCPs

Learn how to develop more effective creative and media strategies designed to spark action at the right moments that match the multi-screen life of HCPs. 

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New Marketing Opportunities Throughout the Patient Journey

Learn about the healthcare and consumer trends that are opening up new opportunities to connect with patients, caregivers and HCPs more often throughout the patient journey.

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Four Ways Conversational Marketing is Rewriting the Marketing Playbook

How messaging apps, chatbots and voice will supercharge 1-to-1 marketing

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Transforming Guests’ Hotel Experience with Chatbots

Watch to learn how chatbots and messaging apps are changing the hotel industry.

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Why Chatbots and Messaging Apps change everything about Financial Services Marketing

Uncover the benefits and challenges of messaging app marketing and chatbot programs for financial services.

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Why Facebook Messenger changes everything about Marketing

Learn the critical success factors for launching messaging app programs and the role of chatbots and humans in customer conversations

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The Pharmaceutical Marketer’s Forecast for 2017

Watch to learn how pharmaceutical marketers can build trust, provide direct dialogue, and develop relationships with patients, healthcare providers, and caregivers.

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Conversational Marketing in Facebook Messenger

View this webinar to leverage Messenger and chatbots to engage, retain and build loyalty with your customers

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Developing a Pharma Engagement Playbook in Messaging Apps & Social Media

Develop a conversation management and engagement playbook in messaging apps and social media to become more conversation-centric and relationship focused, and better support the patient journey.

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How to Create a Cultural Model for Effective Social Media Management

Watch this recorded webinar with social media leaders from American Express, Verizon Wireless and LiveWorld to learn more about creating a brand cultural model for better social media.

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Your Customer Experience Never Sleeps Creating a 24 7 Partnership

Watch this recorded webinar that features experts from Walmart, Polycom and LiveWorld speaking about customer experience and managing it for the 24/7 social media cycle.

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Harnessing the Voice of the Customer in Social Media

Learn best practices on using the voice of the customer on social media from this recorded discussion with customer experience and social media experts from Walgreens, First Republic Bank and LiveWorld.

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Leading Companies for Customer Service On and Off Social

Watch this recorded discussion with social media experts from Microsoft, Discover Card and LiveWorld, to learn more from and about the leading companies providing social customer service.

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Unlock Social Insights to Drive Pharma Marketing Performance

Create social-first marketing solutions for healthcare brands inspired by online conversational insights.  

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Unlock Advanced Social Media for Pharma

Assess your social media level to pinpoint areas for improvement and drive deeper engagement, increase positive brand sentiment, and achieve better digital campaign results.

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Key Trends Driving Pharma Marketing in 2024

Anticipate the opportunities to engage with patients, caregivers, and HCPs, with a focus on social media engagement, moderation, and compliance enablement.

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The Heart of Compliant Social Media Summary

Like a healthy heart, moderation is the engine that keeps your programs healthy and, most importantly, compliant with FDA and other regulatory requirements.

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Sermo-LiveWorld-HCP-Social-Media-Full-Report 2023

Optimize your HCP social media strategy leveraging new research powered by Sermo presented at Digital Pharma East September 2023.

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Human-touch content moderation solutions

Learn how to better stimulate engagement, build customer relationships, and get rock-solid brand protection with compassion at scale.

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AOR Product Lifecycle eBook

Social and Digital Marketing at Every Stage of the Pharma Lifecycle. Learn how to seize digital and social marketing opportunities around-the-pill and across the pharma product lifecycle to break-through, stand out, and drive behavior change while remaining compliant.

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Content Moderation Buyers’ Guide

Create value from advanced content moderation with the Ultimate Content Moderation Buyers’ guide.

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Top 5 Hospital Marketing Tactics for 2022

This Powerpoint will lay out a new marketing agenda designed to leverage data, digital, social, and influencer marketing strategies with examples of campaigns and initiatives from the healthcare arena and beyond.

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LiveWorld TikTok Ebook

The TikTok platform offers a natural way to complement Pharma’s other marketing outreach efforts including Influencers, User Generated Reviews, Paid Ads, Creative Research, Engaging with Potential Customers, and Brand Awareness.

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TikTok Healthcare Ebook

The platform is steadily growing popular among HCPs and patients, providing them with a fresh format to share their unique points of view. See how healthcare marketers are moving beyond passive content consumption to active participation. Download the TikTok Pharma Ebook for Healthcare Marketers!

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Hospital Content Moderation Ebook

Proactive planning and thorough research are the bedrocks of successful marketing. Yet many hospital marketers tend to overlook a valuable tool as they design social media toolkits. Download the Hospital Content Moderation Ebook to find out more!

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Pharma Content Moderation Ebook

Producing valuable ROI starts with recognizing the role of emotions in your customers’ social media habits and the value of human intelligence in your AE monitoring solution. Download the Pharma Content Moderation Ebook to find out more!

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Content Moderation Ebook

Moderation that produces valuable ROI starts with recognizing the role of emotions in your customers’ social media habits and the value of human intelligence in moderation services. Download the Ebook to find out more!

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Healthcare Community e-book

While the pandemic has created overwhelming uncertainty for healthcare systems, there are some very clear trends and factors shaping the challenges and opportunities of healthcare marketing during 2022. Read more below about these factors.

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Influencer e-book

Follow LiveWorld’s 5As formula to assess and access this powerful emerging social channel.

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Patient Engagement Marketing Guide

Download the definitive guidebook on how pharma and healthcare brands can leverage the age-old need for connection using the newest tools and technology for a contemporary and effective digitally forward patient experience.

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Creating Social Pharma Content That Resonates

Create marketing campaigns in social media that deliver the result you want, by better understanding your audience’s preferred social media channels. Find out how to reflect the patient journey in your creative with the best social media tactics that influence patients.

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Inside HCP Walled Gardens

Unlike public soical networks, brands can’t simply buy ads on private platforms; interactions are curated, vetted, and approved individually. Download our free eBook, Inside HCP Walled Gardens and take a look at the major players to better understand the differences and best in class pharma brand examples.

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Guide to Pharma Social Media During Coronavirus

The definitive guide for pharma social media marketing on what content to avoid, start and continue publishing on social channels during the Coronavirus outbreak and treatment period.

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The Definitive Guide to Digital Privacy

Explore the depth and breadth of personal data collection, associated pros and cons, and five-part solution to proactively manage personal privacy.

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Social Media Strategy Workbook

How to build an effective social marketing strategy and evaluate current programs.

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Messenger Marketing eBook

Download the Definitive Guide to Conversational Marketing for Facebook Messenger

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The CMO’s Social Media Handbook

Download a PDF of the new book, The CMO’s Social Media Handbook by LiveWorld CEO, Peter Friedman.

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Facebook Canvas POV

Facebook Canvas is a new type of post that hits the marketing sweet spot: a combination of interesting & effective brand storytelling with low-cost targeting capabilities that engages users on mobile devices.

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Responding to Crises & National Events

When in the throes of a crisis or tragedy it’s important for brands to be prepared with responses that show respect, mirror the national feeling and, don’t offend. Read this white paper for advice on National Crises and social media.

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How to Scale Social Media Programs & Maximize Value

Companies often approach social media disjointedly, implementing social, and setting goals and strategy later. Results can be duplication of effort and unmanageable social channels. Read this paper to assist in finding efficiency and value.

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The Value Of Social Data To Acquire Leadership Buy-In

Management desires direct ties from tweets to sales. Marketing is changing processes tying social media to ROI. Bur what should marketers be tracking, what does management want to see, and how do you present it?

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Social Strategy Case Studies

Check out these examples of how LiveWorld’s work, experience and knowledge from over 18 years of work in social media can assist and impact your social media programs.

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Making Social Media In Regulated Industries More Social

Utilizing social media is more difficult for regulated industries. They can do it, but it takes time, effort, and a team from many areas of the company to accomplish it successfully. Here are top tips to make your social media efforts more social.

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Make Pinterest Work For Your Brand

Pinterest, with more than 70 million registered users, rapid growth, and the launch of new business features, has become a highly attractive channel for businesses. This report examines how companies are effectively using it.

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How To Gain Actionable Insights

We spend time and budgets on social media presences, and management expects social to provide awareness of trends which impact the company, and marketers want analytics. How do you get these insights?

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LiveWorld Social Network Guide 2015

Are you using the right social channel for your audience? It’s even more difficult to connect when Facebook and Twitter continually make changes. This is why we’ve created the LiveWorld Social Media Guide.

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3 Social Media Lessons from Advertising Age’s Best Campaign of the 21st Century

The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty was revolutionary. The heart and soul of the campaign – and the very essence of it – is centered in social media.

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Facebook Integrated Content Strategy

Based on research & dialogue with Facebook and its algorithm, LiveWorld has written a report on the effective mix of social organic posts, social paid posts, and promotional paid posts.

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