LiveWorld’s Peter Friedman shook up Social Media Today’s annual Social Shake-Up

Liveworld’s CEO Peter Friedman was one of many “Who’s Who” of the social media industry who attended Social Media Today’s annual Social Shake-Up. The event took place September 16-17, 2014 in Atlanta, Georgia.
Social Shake-Up featured presentations from big names like IBM, Wal-Mart, Bank of America, ESPN, Forbes, Coca-Cola and Netflix, among others. Plus, there were networking and events such as book signings, where Peter launched his new book The CMO’s Social Media Handbook.
The CMO’s Social Media Handbook is a practical toolkit and social media theory crash course deigned to help big-brand marketing leaders make the most of this powerful medium. Social media practitioners can use the book as a step-by-step guide to improving their social media presence, while it will help CMOs develop their brand’s strategy and brand identity.
“Book signings should be an experience between the author and the customer. It’s about having a dialogue and forming a relationship – and that’s what it was,” Peter said.
During the signing, more than one Fortune 100 brand asked for second copies for their CEO or CMO to help them better understand social.
And, conversations that occurred during the book signing spurred additional insight during Peter’s presentation, “Global Customer Experience: Be Relevant or Go Home.”
“During the presentation, a woman from Quebec asked me how to deal with two languages and cultures at the same time. I explained to the audience that it is all about listening to your customers to glean insights into what matters to them,” said Peter.