The Best Social Media Storytelling Throws Customers To The Lions

January 27, 2014
Posted by: Matthew Hammer, VP- Marketing

The following is inspired thinking from Future Buzz community member and LiveWorld CEO, Peter Friedman.
If you want to put your finger on the zeitgeist of brand storytelling today, watch the recent GoPro ad, “Lions – The New Endangered Species.”
Actually, you could watch any GoPro ad, but I like this one because lions are cuddly and sometimes quite social. Almost 5 million people have watched it, wanting to see what life and lions look like from the point of view of the “lion whisperer” Kevin Richardson. If you’re not familiar with GoPro, they’re the camera gadget that clips to helmets or just about anything else and let viewers experience incredibly interesting POVs—from a bicycle, a surf board, or inside the arms of a lion—as though they were their own. They’ve been used to film all of Red Bull’s extreme sports videos; most famously, Felix Baumgartner’s fall from space.
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