Strategy, advice, and inspiration for digital marketing and social media experts

CMAD: A salute to community managers

January 24, 2011
Posted by: Jenna Woodul

In its second year, today’s Community Manager Appreciation Day (CMAD) was started to thank those folks who work on behalf of customers, trying to improve their online experience, represent the community to brand management, and speak for brands to the community. Community Managers spend their time making online environments feel comfortable, initiating and supporting customs that create […]

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5 top Facebook marketing tips

January 21, 2011
Posted by: Matthew Hammer, VP- Marketing

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson Don’t forget to make your company’s Facebook Page human …  especially if you want to reach humans! That was one of my favorite takeaway from yesterday’s outstanding MarketingProfs webinar on Facebook marketing by Ekaterina Walter (pictured), a social media strategist at Intel. Ekaterina’s talk mixed big-picture Facebook marketing strategy for businesses and brands with the nitty-gritty […]

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We are what we say: Why and how news outlets and politicians must manage the talk and behavior they influence

January 12, 2011
Posted by: Peter Friedman, Founder, Chairman & CEO

Written by Peter Friedman and Jenna Woodul In the wake of last week’s shooting in Arizona, debate rages about whether the vitriolic dialogue in politics and news is a cause of the tragedy.We don’t know a direct link exists from that discourse to this disturbed young man’s actions. But we do know that words count. […]

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Why Facebook EdgeRank and NFO will matter to marketers in 2011

December 18, 2010
Posted by: Matthew Hammer, VP- Marketing

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson Will optimizing content for the Facebook News Feed (NFO) emerge as a critical skill for marketers in 2011? Paul Dunay thinks so, and includes the rise of NFO in his list of 11 B2B marketing predictions for the coming year. Here’s why Paul is right on the money with his prediction: There […]

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