LiveWorld - Why good relationship marketing is like throwing a party
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Why good relationship marketing is like throwing a party

The way that relationship marketing and social media work is in layers or concentric circles. We like to think and talk about this using a party metaphor. At the core, you have the people who wanted to make the party, or the guests of honor. That’s usually the brand, and its immediate people executing it. To socialize […]

Facebook Tabs & Apps, Dead or Alive? That’s not the question. Big or small, use them wisely, relative to your goals.

Quite a flurry has ensued over the last several days about the Pagelever study on Facebook tabs being down 53% since Facebook’s launch of Timeline. Hootsuite CEO, Ryan Holmes (@invoker), eloquently argues their near demise, and Strutta CEO, Ben Pickering (@bpicks), equally well taking the position “not so fast.” This isn’t a matter of tabs and apps being good or bad, or the category large […]

The impact of declining anonymity on the web

(Editor’s note: The following post by Peter comes as a response to a recent New York Times article, “Upending Anonymity, These Days the Web Unmasks Everyone.” An abridged version of this response was also left as a direct comment to the article) The article raises an important dynamic about the decline of anonymity with some positive and […]

How brands can solve their Facebook XXX content problems

Bad content online is not unusual and not a show-stopper for brands. Spam, problematic content such as bad language, hate threats, and harassing behavior online are not unusual or bad things to pin on Facebook. They’re just the nature of online community, and have been since the early days in the mid-’80s through AOL and […]

We are what we say: Why and how news outlets and politicians must manage the talk and behavior they influence

Written by Peter Friedman and Jenna Woodul In the wake of last week’s shooting in Arizona, debate rages about whether the vitriolic dialogue in politics and news is a cause of the tragedy.We don’t know a direct link exists from that discourse to this disturbed young man’s actions. But we do know that words count. […]

Social media's future isn't about content; it's about relationships

Editor’s note: This post from Peter comes as a response to Geoff Livingston’s piece, “The End of the Social Media Adoption Road.” Geoff has a well-thought-out article, but I challenge its fundamental conclusions: 1) “We’re rapidly approaching the end of the technology adoption curve for social media.” 2) “By year end 2011, social media will […]