LiveWorld - The Language of Social Media – Moderating versus Monitoring: An Important Distinction
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Category: social media content moderation

The Language of Social Media – Moderating versus Monitoring: An Important Distinction

In the ever-evolving world of online communications, new words and phrases are frequently created. If you’re going to thrive as part of this world, then you need to understand the language. The purpose of this article is to provide you with better insight on some terminology of social media and give you the knowledge you […]

When Social Media Comments Go Negative, Should Your Brand Respond?

Every brand experiences negative attention on social media at some point. Many panic and overreact when criticism shows up on their sites. They try to hide it or they respond defensively and end up adding fuel to the fire. Transparency and authenticity in social media is a must to build customer trust. This means embracing […]

Why does my brand need moderation for Twitter?

Twitter is a strange beast. (Sorry, Twitter, that’s not an insult, I promise.) A global social phenomenon that has grown exponentially, (218m active users sending 9,100 tweets per second), nearly every brand has a Twitter presence, whether it’s there to broadcast information and updates, drive sales, serve as an alternate customer service channel, or engage […]

Content moderation: Don’t wait until the last second

The big online promotion, event or contest that your company has been planning is about to go live. Everything is in place. The graphics on the landing page are brilliant. The company branding is subtle and perfectly placed. The advertising has been creative and thorough. Everybody involved knows what to do and when to do […]

Shelly Palmer Digital Leadership Podcast Episode #37 – Peter Friedman, Chairman and CEO of LiveWorld

LiveWorld is a trusted social media moderation partner to the world’s largest brands, and it provides brands a competitive advantage through management of user content, amplifying brand presence and increasing customer loyalty. Shelly talks to LiveWorld’s Chairman and CEO, Peter Friedman, to find out some more about the company. What differentiates LiveWorld from other similar […]

Can One Angry Tweet Destroy Your Brand?

All it takes is one hot product, one great ad campaign, one media mishap, or focused attention from a top tweeter, and your Facebook page or forum could be bombarded with comments tomorrow. Are you ready to deal with the deluge? The influx — if it’s positive — might be welcome, but people who reach […]

Introducing LiveWorld Content Review System API

post by: Jenna Woodul

We are proud to announce the LiveWorld Content Review System(CRS) API. Using the CRS API, a LiveWorld client or their agency can securely access content that has been processed (moderated, replied to, tagged with insights) by the CRS. User generated content from Facebook, Twitter, WordPress blogs and custom sites is being aggregated, moderated, tagged and responded to […]

Facebook pre-moderation of user posts

post by: Jenna Woodul

Facebook has provided a way for brands to review Posts users make to their Pages before releasing them to be published. It’s important to understand two things about this feature: 1)    It applies only to user-initiated Posts; it does not apply to Comments users make in response to a brand Post. Comments cannot be pre-moderated. 2)    Brands already have […]

ALL hours are business hours

post by: Jenna Woodul

At LiveWorld, with our history rooted in real-time online interaction and online events, we’ve always taken a 24-hour, global point of view. As our clients deal with the proliferation of customer content flowing their way, we’re seeing numerous pain points emerge: Need for brand protection through timely interaction consistent with customer expectations and values Exponentially […]