LiveWorld - Lands’ End Social Media Backlash: How to Avoid Customer Service Nightmares
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Category: crisis management and brand protection

Lands’ End Social Media Backlash: How to Avoid Customer Service Nightmares

Two recent decisions by catalog and online retailer Lands’ End have resulted in boycotts from customers with differing philosophies. In a recent catalog, the brand featured an interview with women’s rights activist Gloria Steinem, part of its Legends Series. Customers were also offered an opportunity to support the ERA Coalition’s Fund for Women’s Equality with the […]

How Brands Can Prepare for a Crisis to Preserve Customer Experience

Was your marketing team caught off-guard by the recent attacks in Paris? Brands must have assurance that inappropriate content and untimely previously scheduled marketing content is not published on social channels during a crisis. What’s more, brands should take the extra effort to be prepared to pivot when tragedies happen in order to maintain a good […]

Thou Bleeding Heart – Brand Response to the OpenSSL Security Bug

With the widespread media coverage of the Internet security bug known as the Heartbleed bug, people are understandably anxious to know how exposed they are and what they can do to protect themselves. Brands are also understandably nervous to talk about security vulnerabilities in social channels for fear of stoking more anxiety among customers — […]

When Social Media Comments Go Negative, Should Your Brand Respond?

Every brand experiences negative attention on social media at some point. Many panic and overreact when criticism shows up on their sites. They try to hide it or they respond defensively and end up adding fuel to the fire. Transparency and authenticity in social media is a must to build customer trust. This means embracing […]

Big Brands, Social Media and Trust: How to Avoid an Online Crisis

According to the 2012 Edelman Trust Barometer, only 50 percent of American customers trust business to “do what is right.” On top of that, a better deal is always a click away, and when a product or service isn’t 100 percent in alignment with expectations, buyers are quick to amplify their grievances online to all […]

Would You Make Any of These Mistakes in a Social Media Crisis?

Social media PR crises hit companies like tornados—out of nowhere and with deadly force. Really, that’s no surprise. Social media is a medium many companies still aren’t comfortable communicating in. Couple that with the fact that many companies hand their social media keys to part-time, sometimes inexperienced staff, or outside agencies that don’t have depth […]

Social Media Safeguards for Healthcare and Regulated Industries

Social media has tremendous power as a tool for effective, affordable marketing and customer service — and yet many companies in highly regulated industries, such as healthcare, avoid engaging it for fear of the legal and regulatory challenges it introduces. As the CEO of a company that works with major brands in the regulated pharmaceutical […]

Legal & Marketing Panel Wrap-up

Earlier this week, LiveWorld held its first social media lunch and learn event in Bridgewater, New Jersey. Modeled from the success of a similar event at Social Media Week 2013, the event brought together an intimate group of like-minded marketing professionals for a case study presentation and panel discussion over lunch. Zoetis kicked off the […]

Content moderation: Don’t wait until the last second

The big online promotion, event or contest that your company has been planning is about to go live. Everything is in place. The graphics on the landing page are brilliant. The company branding is subtle and perfectly placed. The advertising has been creative and thorough. Everybody involved knows what to do and when to do […]

Is Your Social Media Rescue Team Prepared?

Picture this: It’s Friday. You’re on the social media team at work and you’ve sat through five days of meetings, read hundreds of emails, spent countless hours engaging online, had more tasks assigned than you could possibly handle, and worked late a couple of nights to make your deadlines. The end of the day is […]