LiveWorld - Age Doesn’t Matter, Social Media Experience and Smarts Do
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Category: social media as a marketing tool

Age Doesn’t Matter, Social Media Experience and Smarts Do

This past week a recent graduate of the University of Iowa student, Cathryn Sloan, ignited quite a firestorm of criticism when she posted a blog “Why Every Social Media Manager Should be Under 25” on NextGenJournal First I want to commend Cathryn on her social media smarts and skills. Unlike the many posts decrying your qualifications, I […]

It’s Called “Social Media,” Not “Automated Media”

Companies that use automated models as their primary approach to social media (publishing, responding, engaging) risk these outcomes: Best case, they leave themselves exposed to defeat by competitors, and worst case, they irreparably damage their brands. Social media is about dialogue and relationships among people by definition — and that’s what consumers expect it to […]

Agencies Going Anti-Social Were Never True Social Specialists

At LiveWorld, we believe this agency anti-social pivot in the July 9 Adweek article, reflects that most agencies that hung out a social shingle are not now and never were true social specialists; it was a land grab. In some cases, such companies were genuinely evolving into another type of company. But most were opportunistically or defensively jumping […]

Yes AdAge, Facebook should sell relationships because true social is about relationships

Last week I read a compelling article, one that actually speaks to the true underlying fundamentals of social media, about which much of our industry remains surprisingly unaware. While the follow-up comments on this piece have some merit, it seems to me they are missing Ben’s fundamental point and the fundamentals of social that distinguish it as […]

Right Place, Wrong Time: Avoiding Prescheduling Pitfalls

Do you schedule and publish your social media content on Facebook or Twitter using tools like Buddy Media and Hootsuite? If you’re managing a content calendar that includes 50 or more posts per month and spans across social channels, publishing tools make good sense and ensure consistency in post quality. But these tools come with […]

LiveWorld accepted into Facebook Preferred Marketing Developer (PMD) Program, Pages Category

LiveWorld is proud to be listed as one of the companies included in the Facebook® announcement of its new Preferred Marketing Developer (PMD) program, in the Pages category.  With proven experience scaling social media programs through moderation, insight and community programming, LiveWorld is now a Facebook Preferred Marketing Developer, qualified by the PMD program in Pages. […]

Social media as a 'business growth engine'

In an interview from the summer 2011 edition of “sparks,” from Catalyst Strategies, LiveWorld CEO Peter Friedman explains how “social media is transforming interactions and brands through dialogue and relationships.” In the full Q&A interview that is embedded as a shareable/downloadable PDF at the bottom of this post, Peter also addresses these topics: How to […]

Top tweets and takeaways from our Facebook NFO panel

Written by former LiveWorld employee, @BryanPerson. I had a blast moderating a panel discussion on Facebook News Feed optimization at the BlogWorld & New Media Expo in New York City this year. Sharing the stage with three other marketers — Helen Todd from Sociality Squared, Chad Wittman from EdgeRank Checker, and Dennis Yu from BlitzLocal and […]

The value of Facebook advertising: a Q&A with Dennis Yu

Dennis Yu, the CEO of Blitzmetrics, is the best guy I know for helping brands to integrate Facebook advertising into their overall marketing plans. He’s sharp and opinionated, which is why I know he’ll make such an outstanding contributor to my panel on best practices in Facebook News Feed Optimization (NFO) at BlogWorld & New Media Expo next week […]

Social media's future isn't about content; it's about relationships

Editor’s note: This post from Peter comes as a response to Geoff Livingston’s piece, “The End of the Social Media Adoption Road.” Geoff has a well-thought-out article, but I challenge its fundamental conclusions: 1) “We’re rapidly approaching the end of the technology adoption curve for social media.” 2) “By year end 2011, social media will […]